Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's Sin City is once again a pleasure to visit in movie format, although this isn't as strong or as captivating as the first film. There's a brilliant cast - Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Josh Brolin are GREAT but the film belongs to Eva Green's Ava Lord, a sultry black widow who makes men go very silly indeed.
Predominantly based on Miller's second Sin City graphic novel with some fresh content, ...A Dame to Kill For features five stories including Jessica Alba's Nancy aiming for revenge after the death of her saviour John Hartigan (Bruce Willis) through to Gordon-Levitt's card playing ace Johnny who takes on one game too many. It's all done in the usual gritty, b&w style of Sin City with some nice use of colour - Ava Lord's red lips, the blonde light of innocent Marcie (Julia Garner) and the scary face of the Yellow Bastard.
There's just something missing. Sin City was surprising, exciting and bold but this film doesn't have the ooomph of the first. It's visually stunning to watch but three out of the five stories are pretty loose. Only Eva Green's Dame and Gordon-Levitt's card player really stand out.
3/5 killer dames
WATCH IT FOR: Eva Green swimming naked by moonlight is quite the beautiful shot.
WATCH OUT FOR: Powers Boothe as Senator Roark is a real villain
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